Top 50 Food Website in the World

The Spice Spoon, Top 50 Website in the World

Toot toot! That is the sound of my horn, and I hope you don’t mind the sound of it, because The Spice Spoon was featured in The Independent as 50 of the world’s best food websites.

‘Stunning photography, beautiful food and evocative writing, Shayma Saadat’s Pakistani/ Afghan/Persian blog is a treat,’ says Nick. ‘Very original recipes from a blogger who is keen to offer a much-needed dose of humanity and romanticism to the countries of her heritage.’

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  1. Congratulations! I’ve been a reader for quite sometime now. You are an amazing writer and photographer. Keep up the good work!

  2. WOW Shayma…what awesome news, congratulations! Of course, this comes as no surprise to your devoted readers (like me), but how lovely to see the rest of the world recognize your terrific talents. Hooray! – S

  3. Super well done, sending huggles of congratulations to you. I’ve only recently discovered your blog, and I love visiting it. I hope you are having a glorious summer break. I’m looking forward to relishing more recipes from you next month.

    Sending care and many huggles,

    Michelle, downunder in New Zealand

  4. Good job Shayma! I love the review as well; you’re providing a wonderful insight into these countries, especially Pakistan, which such elegant simplicity. I love it.

  5. Hey Shayma,
    Just stumbled across your blog today in cyberspace and absolutely loved it! Congratulations on the honors… and you have a loyal follower in me now 🙂 I’m Indian and love the cuisine of Punjab, Pakistan and the North-West Frontier… But Mughlai and Pakistani food in India is today limited to what the restaurants offer and feature the usual suspects like Biryani and a few kababs.
    I’m super thrilled to discover the treasures you have captured and recorded in your blog! great going… and keep writing!

  6. Heartfelt and genuine thanks for all the congrats and comments you have all left for me. x shayma

  7. You had to win. Its just not food… but the love behind it that makes this place so special. My grandmother and mother always cooked ‘andaaze se’ and I have taken to it too. This blog makes me so nostalgic 🙂

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