Archives for May 2014

Spice Spoon on CBC Radio!

Dear Lovelies – I was on CBC Radio on May 29th for two interview sessions – you can listen to the interview segments here:

Metro Morning with Matt Galloway at 7.10AM EST
Shayma, your husband is also from Pakistan. What has been the discussion in your household around this (stoning of Farzana)?
Listen to the full interview here, or  via this link under “Woman Stoned to Death”.

Ontario Morning with Wei Chen at 7.50AM EST
Shayma, do people ask you, “Were you forced to marry your husband? Was this an arranged marriage?”?
Listen to the full interview by clicking here.


Karachi and My Family – Life Amidst the Bombings


A few weeks ago, I woke up a little after 6am and with my eyes half shut, I checked my iPhone, which I usually do before making my way into the kitchen for my morning caffè latte ritual. As I scrolled through my Twitter newsfeed, I saw “bomb blast Karachi”, “injured”, “daytime tragedy” “in the upscale Defence neighbourhood” “targeted attack” – all those words you don’t want to read when your husband is in Karachi, visiting our family; his parents, siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts.  It was April 25th and there was a bomb blast somewhere, in some neighbourhood in Karachi. I called Zain immediately, and when he told me the bomb had exploded in Delhi Colony, I selfishly took a sigh of relief. My family is safe, I said to myself and jumped out of bed.Read More